The widespread use of XML for encoding network protocols is a perfect example of this. Many people understand that XML is quite slow as a wire protocol but they misunderstand why this is true. The conventional assumption is that it is because XML documents are bulky and verbose; the performance problem can therefore be mitigated with data compression, reducing the bandwidth requirements. While it is true that XML-based protocols suffer from bandwidth bloat, the performance and scalability problems persist even when data compression is used, so clearly there are other factors involved. This tends to perplex software engineers who are not familiar with the nuances of wire protocol design.
A well-designed wire protocol has a very important property: it says what it is going to do before it does it. By prefacing all actions with metadata, it allows computers reading data off the wire to both know what to expect over the wire next and to infer the resource cost of reading that data off the wire. This allows the receiving system to do an enormous amount of optimization and resource conservation; if the receiving system does not know anything about what may be coming over the wire, it has to allow for everything and resources are allocated accordingly. An XML stream has the design flaw that you have to scan an unbounded string of characters for markers that terminate an atomic piece of data, encouraging both aggressive over-commitment of resources and suboptimal data structures where performance is concerned. If a malicious or defective XML stream goes over the wire, you may not be able to ascertain that fact until hard-coded resource limits are reached. Since resource management is generally the second most expensive operation in software after disk I/O, the very inefficient resource management adds up quickly where performance is concerned.
In older, more civilized wire protocols, the design pattern often used is known as "TLV" protocols ("Tag-Length-Value"). You send a metadata header saying what you are about to do ("Tag"), the number of bytes required to send the relevant data over the wire ("Length"), and then the data itself ("Value"). This allows the receiving system to precisely predict the minimum resources required to successfully process the transaction and to trap many error conditions before pulling bytes over the wire. In real-world protocol implementations, a good TLV protocol will often outperform an equivalent XML protocol by an order of magnitude. That is not a small difference.
This fact is not entirely lost on the standards bodies. There are ASN.1 encoding rules ("XER") for translating XML into the venerable (and complicated) ASN.1 wire protocol encoding standards, which generally use a TLV model. Furthermore, the new binary XML standards are designed in part to address this oversight by providing an efficient wire protocol encoding standard for XML. I am satisfied with this, but I hope I never see another "scalable" and "high-performance" XML-encoded wire protocol. We should know better by now.